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non ferrous metal wire plant
有色合金线材厂  detail>>
non-ferrous metal wire plant
有色合金线材厂  detail>>
non metal
非金属  detail>>
non metal non metal eutectic alloy
非金属非金属共晶合金  detail>>
non-metal-non-metal eutectic alloy
非金属-非金属共晶合金  detail>>
beryllium wire-metal composite
铍金属丝复合材料  detail>>
metal shielded wire
金属屏蔽线  detail>>
metal stitching wire
金属缝缀钢丝  detail>>
metal wire card
钢丝梳理机  detail>>
metal wire suture
金缝线 金属缝线  detail>>
metal wire woven tape
金属编织带  detail>>
metal-shielded wire
金属包覆线 金属屏蔽线  detail>>
metal-wire reinforced propeller
金属线加强的推进剂  detail>>
plastic metal wire
成形金属丝  detail>>
refractory metal wire
耐火金属丝  detail>>
soldering wire of metal
金属焊丝  detail>>
wire of common metal
普通金属线  detail>>